Feeling mighty pleased with myself!

Today was the day; time for the warm-up race before the big one in a few weeks.  It didn’t start that well as I broke my (my sisters, since I forgot to pack one of mine) water bottle on the ride to the starting point! The lid broke off so I couldn’t close it, and without a bottle holder I couldn’t transport it in that stage with actual water in it.WaterbottleAs promised, here is a before picture, looking perky if I can say so myself;Before picture Helmet and race noIt didn’t take long into the race before I remembered one of the major differences between Göteborg and Malmö where I live, is the hills. Malmö is pretty flat, Göteborg isn’t! It was also pretty windy today, which didn’t help much and I was seriously questioning what I was doing. I did stick in there, with radio in my ears (bad sound since I forgot to pack my headphones as well) I biked on forcing myself to not read the start times of the people who passed me.

Almost half-way the first depot stop appeared and it was well met, without any water to drink during the first 25k’s and a strong gazing sun, I was thirsty and hungry. I went straight for the water, bananas and the yummy bun.Break Snacks Break timeHere my brother in-law also caught up with me, yes he did make it even if he was sick during the past week. His bike was much better than mine (my sisters, and I swear that the bike added 20 minutes to my ride today) so of course he caught up with me.Break Peter during the breakWho looks better?

I did manage to complete the full 50k, and feel pretty good with myself. Based on the after picture I would say that I have more to give, and the 100k in a couple of weeks should be no issue at all!AfterThey were also kind enough to provide us with food once we finished, and I chewed some down, not too much though as we were going for Mothers Day dinner pretty much straight after.Goal foodIt was fun, I am pleased and proud, and seriously the in-law did hell of a race! kudos to him. The only thing is that the collection is going a bit slow, not anyone’s fault than me and my sisters. So I figured that if we manage to collect another 5000sek before the 8th of June I will bike the 100k dressed up in…you guy’s decide. Give me some suggestions, we post a poll, and donate! That way you get to see me on a bike in your choice of outfit, deal? Raceoverview

Happy challenging!

Hey guys, as I am enjoying the nice and sunny weather down-under, some of you are actually getting on your bikes. I can’t say that my sister is carrying the family name very well, she is biking and that is more than I can say for me. I have managed to go for a run and three swims since I got here, that doesn’t count though.

Challenge progressYou can still join the challenge, I;m sure that you will bike a bit over 30km in a whiff and sail up to the first spot, all you have to do is click here and join (and have an endomondo account, a bike and all those other little details). If you don’t feel like biking at all you can always show your support by spreading the word of or collection or just donate a small amount, details on how to do that can be found here, or simply click on the donate page.


The competition is on, and oops I did it again

As I mentioned I started a challenge on Endomondo so that you guys could keep me and the sister on our toes, and the challenge is on as three non-sister people have signed up;Endomondo ChallengeAnd as you can see, I’m only second!

Then there is the oops, you loyal followers might have noticed that I keep loosing challenges because I go on vacation or get sick. Yesterday I accidentally booked another trip that starts on Saturday, which mean that I will be out travelling for the full length of this challenge.

I will try my best to get my hands on bikes while I’m out traveling, as well as someone with a smart phone that I can use for tracking. Using my own internet will most likely cost me a fortune, and I don’t have one of those.

If you still want to join into the challenge, you can find it here, and if you aren’t a biker you could always help by donating or just spread the word by liking the Facebook page and share this post!

Here is your chance your chance to make us work for it!

So I have been thinking on how we can get a proper kick in the butt and get some action going, and today it came to me; an Endomondo Challenge. Starting today and a month forward you all have the chance to show us exactly how lazy and slow we are by joining the challenge and show us how much more than us you bike.

You can find the Endomondo challenge here!

And just to show that it already happened once, I put a picture of me after reaching the goal in last years race, see how fresh I look after biking 100k.

So, if you go biking on a regular basis and you use Endomondo, all you have to do is join the challenge and we will most probably get our asses kicked.

Don’t forget that you can also make a small contribution to our collection, more information is found here.