Feeling mighty pleased with myself!

Today was the day; time for the warm-up race before the big one in a few weeks.  It didn’t start that well as I broke my (my sisters, since I forgot to pack one of mine) water bottle on the ride to the starting point! The lid broke off so I couldn’t close it, and without a bottle holder I couldn’t transport it in that stage with actual water in it.WaterbottleAs promised, here is a before picture, looking perky if I can say so myself;Before picture Helmet and race noIt didn’t take long into the race before I remembered one of the major differences between Göteborg and Malmö where I live, is the hills. Malmö is pretty flat, Göteborg isn’t! It was also pretty windy today, which didn’t help much and I was seriously questioning what I was doing. I did stick in there, with radio in my ears (bad sound since I forgot to pack my headphones as well) I biked on forcing myself to not read the start times of the people who passed me.

Almost half-way the first depot stop appeared and it was well met, without any water to drink during the first 25k’s and a strong gazing sun, I was thirsty and hungry. I went straight for the water, bananas and the yummy bun.Break Snacks Break timeHere my brother in-law also caught up with me, yes he did make it even if he was sick during the past week. His bike was much better than mine (my sisters, and I swear that the bike added 20 minutes to my ride today) so of course he caught up with me.Break Peter during the breakWho looks better?

I did manage to complete the full 50k, and feel pretty good with myself. Based on the after picture I would say that I have more to give, and the 100k in a couple of weeks should be no issue at all!AfterThey were also kind enough to provide us with food once we finished, and I chewed some down, not too much though as we were going for Mothers Day dinner pretty much straight after.Goal foodIt was fun, I am pleased and proud, and seriously the in-law did hell of a race! kudos to him. The only thing is that the collection is going a bit slow, not anyone’s fault than me and my sisters. So I figured that if we manage to collect another 5000sek before the 8th of June I will bike the 100k dressed up in…you guy’s decide. Give me some suggestions, we post a poll, and donate! That way you get to see me on a bike in your choice of outfit, deal? Raceoverview